It is saddening to see God’s children living under the captivity of the devil and believing all his lies, just because mymedic.es they do not know who they are. Intentionally trying to understand your identity in Christ will make a lot of difference in your life. But first, we want to see how the devil tries to steal our identity and give us a fake sense of identity. This will be the focus of this article.
Typical Scenario:
“Thank you for coming to my rescue and saving my life… But speaking frankly, I wish you didn’t. This isn’t a life worth living. I mean…” At this point, she broke down in tears.
Trying to console her, I said, “Annie, everything will be fine. You will..”
Really??? You think everything will be fine because your life is perfect. Mine is hell! Nothing has ever been fine with me; obviously, nothing will!
“Tell me, who will marry a single mom that was raped as a teenager? A teenager that was so worthless that nobody bothered getting justice for her. Nobody will ever love or even accept me.”
“Annie God loves you. His love is enough.” I tried to convince her.
“No He doesn’t! He might love you. But you can’t tell me that he loves me. He has always been unfair to me. He allowed the worst things to happen to me.
Dear reader, does Annie’s story sound familiar to you? You may not have attempted suicide like she did, but can you relate to the sense of worthlessness that made so depressed to the point of attempting suicide?
Does this sound like you?

- You have lost your inner joy or may never really have known true joy.
- You are constantly seeking approval from the world and are willing to do things that you may not really want to do, just to gain that approval
- You don’t feel confident in the presence of others because you are not sure if you can win their love and acceptance.
- You find it difficult to move on from your mistakes and/or hurt from past negative events.
- You struggle to believe that God really loves you and have no desire to spend time in devotion with him.
- Your thoughts and talk about yourself are mostly negative and condescending.
If you answered yes to any of the above, I will tell you what the actual issue is.
have either not found or have lost a sense of your identity in Christ. I say this with every sense of empathy, you may not know who you really are.This is not entirely your fault. The devil knows fully well how much living in the knowledge of who God says you are will deny him the chance of stealing your joy. So he steals your joy and continually lies to you.
You may even be a christian but because you do not fully understand who you are in Christ, the devil takes advantage of your ignorance and sells lies to you instead.
Techniques That The Devil Employs In Stealing Your Identity

- Lies (John 8:44) Understand that anything that is not consistent with what God says about you is a lie. Do not admit any feelings of worthlessness. You shouldn’t believe whatever calls you ugly (based on whatever definition of beauty) when your maker says you fearfully and wonderfully made. Whose report will you believe?
- Accusations (Rev 12:10). The devil is a specialist in digging up our past and trying to define our present based on them. He tempts you to sin, and makes you reluctant about repenting asking God for forgiveness and wants to keep you bound to your past, even when God has forgiven you. (1 John 1:9)
- Blinding (2 cor 4:4). The devil will do anything to ensure that you do not discover who you truly are in Christ. You must take it up as a personal responsibility to dig up truths about your identity in Christ, from the bible
Biblical Examples Of People Who Had Identity Struggles

- Eve – The devil made her believe that she needed more than what God had given her to become wise (as though she had been foolish all the while)
- Moses – He didn’t believe that he had the eloquence to demand Israel’s release from Pharoah.
- The children of Israel – They saw themselves as grasshoppers who wouldn’t be able to stand the giants in the promised land.
In these examples, you can see that their focus was on themselves, rather than being on who God
had said they were.Know this, you are not your past, your mistakes or whatever label the society tries to place on you. You are who God says you are.
- He says you’re royalty 1 Pet 2:9
- He says you are loved Jer 31: 3
- He says you are forgiven, and your past is written off (as long as you have given your life to Christ)
- He says you are chosen by Him 1 Pet 2:9
- He says you are complete in Him – col 2:10

I encourage you to begin to see yourself from the lens of God’s eyes through the scriptures. Anything that is not consistent with what the word of God says about you must be thrashed!
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