Ready To Remove Invisible Barriers Holding You Back In Life?
- Helping you IDENTIFY and REMOVE the INVISIBLE BARRIERS blocking you from fulfilling your potential and the purpose that God planned for you.
- This is a life changing encounter designed to both transform your life and advance your calling and divine assignment.
How to Remove Your Invisible Barriers
What is holding you back in ONE or MANY areas of your life?
The constant battle of life? or brokenness that has left you overwhelmed with a sense of fruitlessness?
We have all gone through experiences that left us broken. Perhaps it was a painful relationship, or a major/repeated financial crisis, or a life-threatening illness. Whatever the source, each of us has picked up some baggage going through life.
It is God’s will for your life for you to bear much fruit in ALL AREAS for HIS GLORY
There is a difference between having a BROKEN HEART and going through a HEART BREAK
Just because you are not going through a heart break does not mean that you do not have a broken heart.
The Remove Invisible Barriers Coaching and Prayer Ministry Programme
I would like to invite you to join me on a journey to the Remove Invisible Barriers Coaching and Prayer Ministry Programme. It is a 90-day journey to wholeness in Christ, you will experience healing, and deliverance in the areas you feel held back. You will discover and begin to walk in the fullness of your calling according to God’s plan for your life, in your full inheritance and deep intimacy with the Lord. It is a journey of growth in God and experiencing His victory in various aspects of your life.
What Your 90 Days Remove Invisible Barriers Coaching and Prayer Ministry Programme Consists Of:
- Weekly Restoration Prayer Ministry Strategy – Individual sessions -This comprehensive ministry consists of 12 sessions. The ministry sessions are scheduled once a week until the process is complete.
- One-on-one coaching sessions for the 12 weeks, we will map out a thorough and detailed plan customized for YOU, focusing on the most important issues and aspects at the moment.
- Weekly assignments with the opportunity to complete them in your time, while still hold you accountable, providing the support and feedback you need at each step.
- Access to downloadable/printable tools to assist you in discovering patterns, and expose those negative thoughts, feelings, events, pictures lodged in your memory that torment your mind and drive your actions as a result of fear, doubt, and unbelief.
- Presented with practices to assist you in deeper intimacy with God by consistently recognizing His voice clearly from all of the other voices that besiege your mind.
- Email support – so you can reach me as needed.
Ready to break the power of evil hold that destroys life.
Ready to grow, and become all that God has planned for you
Struggling under the yoke of enslavement to foundational issues of the past despite all the great plans God has shown you about your life.
Exhausted from attending countless meetings and programs, or even completing a series of personal prayer and fasting exercises but still experiencing the same frustrations, delays, denials, degradations, and rejections.
Ready to break the vicious cycle of evil family patterns by working undercover to thwart and block your destiny and activate the repeat of negative occurrences in your family line.
Ready to invest in yourself so that you can move beyond repeated lost opportunities, defeat, disappointments
Tired of being stuck and looking for how to remove the invisible barriers that are blocking your wholeness in Christ.
A woman. Sorry, I know many men are also experiencing a repeated cycle of defeat but REMOVE INVISIBLE BARRIERS coaching and prayer ministry is specifically for women.
Not willing to take full responsibility and do the work necessary to bring healing, transformation, and change in your own life.
Ready to take action on the steps and strategies discussed.
Interested in learning biblical truths and removing hinderances to your spiritual growth?
If you are ready to have a life of supernatural fruitfulness and effectiveness, you need to remove hidden barriers in God’s strength and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
If you could have your invisible barriers and limiting ungodly beliefs removed, what could YOU achieve?
You may be aware of the effects of invisible barriers and blocks in your life, how they have limited your ability to live a fruitful life as God planned for you to. You will learn how to identify them and transform your limiting ungodly beliefs and become unstoppable.
The ‘Remove Invisible Barriers’ coaching and prayer ministry programme enables you to experience profound transformation in your life.
Join me to learn proven transformational process that will help you recognize and confront the root causes of the conflicts (spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, or psychological) and blocks you are experiencing.
Achieve deep, impactful change in your life.
Steps To Helping You Remove Invisible Barriers
Identify the Invisible Barriers
Explore Biblical Tools
Access the Tools You Need
Become Fruitful
Invisible Barriers can be physical, emotional, mental, psychological, or spiritual, but these manifest as negative thinking patterns that lead to experiencing doubts, fear, confusion, and procrastination. Left undetected, these will continue to sabotage your best plans, your relationships and life. They hinder you from taking the steps that you know you need to take in order to succeed.
Many continue to experience this feeling of being held back in our life, but often are unable to pinpoint exactly what is the cause. Jesus came that we may have abundant life. It is God’s will for His children to experience hope, healing, freedom, and restoration in every area of our life, so that we can fulfill the plan and purpose He prepared for us.
The ‘Remove Invisible Barriers’ coaching and prayer ministry programme is an opportunity for a personal encounter with God’s love. This Spirit-led experience has the power to bring transformation from the inside out, so that your true identity is restored, and you are able to become the person God created to be.
During the process we will explore many significant issues, and present all before God: the damages and the hidden blocks in the depths of your soul, hindering your spiritual growth and keeping you stuck unable to bear much fruit in life. This is a profoundly serious process for participants determined to lay hold of God’s plan and purpose for their lives.
Without the healing and transformation from the inside out, no matter how many prayer meetings you attend, how many hours you spend in church, or how many Scriptures you read and quote, you will still be conformed to the image of the world and continue to experience the same blocks, and cycle of failure and defeat.
Practical strategies and biblical tools you need to change the course of your life and transform forever.
You will learn about the causes of damage that have resulted in negative life patterns and receive God’s healing and restoration so that you can begin to enjoy spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical freedom in Christ.
You will learn:
- How to break free from personal strongholds and bondages.
- How to release the past hurts and heal from painful experiences.
- How to reject the enemy’s lies and replace them with the truth.
- How to embrace our God-given identity and purpose.
- A new level of intimacy with God.
- How to use the Healing and Restoration Prayer Strategy to overcome
You come to understand:
- Why you are the way you are, and the causes of damage to your God-given identity.
- How and why the enemy is able to bring hardships in your lives and conflicts in your relationships.
- You have the choice to take control of your life by learning to stand in your God-given authority.
- The solutions God has provided and how to apply them effectively.
- How to break the power of the enemy and remove any legal grounds.
- Take control of your life by learning to stand in your God-given authority.
- How the Holy Spirit empowers you to help others for the furthering of God’s kingdom
You will:
- Hear from God in a new way
- Experience true freedom from foundational issues of the past
- Be equipped to walk in the fullness of God’s plan and purpose for your life
- No longer feel like a bystander in life.
- Gain clarity on what you should do and be empowered to do it.
- Overcome the feelings of inferiority.
- Be able to break through the barriers that are keeping you stuck.
- It all comes back to the condition of your soul, it affects your spiritual life, your health and prosperity.
- It affects every aspect of your life basically.
- It determines your thinking patterns, your emotions, your behaviours, your relationship with yourself, your relationship with others, and your relationship with God.
- The beliefs in your soul are not always changed by what you know intellectually.
- If we hold a faulty and ungodly belief in our heart, it will always override the truth we know cognitively.
- But there is a way to experience the true life… as designed by God.
With the ‘Remove Invisible Barriers’ Coaching and Prayer Ministry Programme, you will be directly addressing the hidden thought patterns in your mind, and your unconscious ungodly belief system that the enemy is using to control your mind to eliminate and tear down whatever strongholds are standing in their way – whether physical, emotional, mental, psychological, or spiritual.
The ‘Remove Invisible Barriers’ Coaching and Prayer Ministry Programme is a systematic and inspiring, training that focuses on coaching around seven hidden blocks from a Biblical perspective. The programme trains you to coach yourself to unlock much more potential in yourself first and to also be able to coach others in your sphere of influence to do the same.
- The Issue of Identity
- Battles of the Mind
- Family Systems – Generational Patterns
- Personal Unconfessed Sins; Unforgiveness
- Emotional Damage
- Our Image of God
- Ungodly Belief Systems/ Negative Expectations/ Judgements
- Demonic Influence
- Removing the Hidden Blocks
How the Lord Changed My Life
Before I began to take my walk with the Lord seriously, I suffered from insecurity and perfectionism. I was lacking in self-assurance, and the enemy used this and other onslaughts to hold me back from fulfilling God’s plan for me.
As I started my healing and restoration journey, the Lord began to heal and restore different aspects of my life and deliver me from performance orientation.
I have personally experienced profound transformation having done my own deep inner work during season of wilderness experience.
I have also experienced God’s healing in broken areas of my life.
I am a seasoned teacher of God’s word, a professionally trained counsellor, an inspirational speaker, a prayer ministry leader, and a trainer.
I am a graduate of London School of Theology; I hold a combined honours degree in Theology and Counselling.
I have helped many people in experiencing victory in their spiritual walk and to recognise and heal from their early childhood negative experiences hindering their wholeness in Christ.
Without the right roadmap attempting to go on any journey on your own will take longer, and probably bring you back to searching all over.
Having the right roadmap, right application of spiritual wisdom, strategy, and tools in the right ORDER, is what BREAKS the grip of the enemy, and removes the limitations.
This is a significant investment, if you’re tired of trying to figure out what are the invisible barriers holding you back, and how to remove them on your own, and you are ready to work with me, click the button below to book consultation.