The plan of God for all His children is for them to be prosperous and live a successful life full of victory and blessings.
The thought God has for us are thoughts of good and not evil (Jeremiah 29:11). He wants us to live above sin, sickness, shame, and pain. He wants us to soar like an eagle and live a life full of joy, peace, and happiness.
The Bible says when God finished creating the heaven and earth and all that dwells in it, including man, and He said that everything he made was good (Genesis 1:31).
We were specially crafted in God’s image to flourish, to be full of wisdom, dominion, and power.
Our body, soul, and spirit were made to radiate light, positivity, and goodness.
We believe that when God created man’s mind, He intended for it to be the most beautiful thing ever because it is with the heart we serve the Lord, and He dwells in our heart too (Matthew 22:37).
So, man’s mind can be compared the Garden of Eden, meant to be radiating with beautiful colors and flowing with abundance.
But unfortunately, the enemy came and planted weeds that began to grow silently and spread. Gradually, these weeds start to suck the life out of the flowers and other beautiful plants thriving in the garden of our lives until they overshadow it and leave it in ruins.
These weeds are the ungodly beliefs of the devil. They are lies of the devil to limit our progress in life and hinder us from achieving our destinies as God has purposed for us.
These ungodly beliefs are common, and almost every believer has battled it at a point in their life or still struggling with it now.
They include statements like, I am not good enough, I don’t fit in, I am stupid, I will never amount to anything good, I am a failure, God will never forgive me, I am broken beyond repairs, etc.
All these ungodly beliefs are manipulations from the pit of hell, and they are lies because they are not what the Word of God says about us.
How Ungodly Beliefs are Formed
Firstly, we must know that the devil is the source of all ungodly beliefs, and His aim is to destroy the glorious destiny God has for us by filling our minds with lies that we end up believing and living a defeated life.
To execute his plan, the enemy uses people that are close to us. People like our parents, siblings, friends, teachers, classmates, etc.
He makes them call us names and say hurtful and demeaning things to us, like stupid, ugly, etc.
When we hear these lies continuously, they enter our minds and pollute our thoughts, and sooner or later, we will begin to accept these things as our reality and identity.
Soon, we begin to live in self-doubt, low self-esteem, fear, etc., leading to a defeated and unfruitful life.
How to break from the chains of ungodly beliefs
Renew Your Mind – Romans 12:2, Proverbs 23:7
Renewing the mind is letting go of the devil’s lies and embracing the truth in God’s Word. God’s Word makes it clear that change comes from the mind. The state of a man’s mind determines the course of his life. The devil knows this; that is why he attacks the mind with ungodly beliefs.
Renewing the mind transforms us and makes us know and walk in the will of God for us.
Study and Meditate on the Word of God – Joshua 1:8
Our minds must always be focused on the Word of God to live above the lies of the enemy. The Word of God is a double-edged sword that penetrates the heart and destroys every falsehood working against us. Only when we know the truth and promises in the Bible can we begin to understand our real identity. Therefore, we must spend time studying and meditating on the Word of God.
Always Declare God’s Word over your life.
Speak out the Word of God over your life loudly and clearly whenever the lies of the devil begin to come up in your mind. For example, when the devil says you are poor, say the Lord will supply your need according to his riches in glory (Philippians 4:19).
Think Good Thoughts
We need to learn how to shut down evil thoughts projected by the devil. Also, we should try to focus our minds on good and productive thought.
For instance, Philippians 4:8 says:
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Guard your heart with all diligence – Proverbs 4:23 The door to your heart is through your ears and eyes; what you watch and hear can pollute the heart with falsehood and ungodly beliefs. So, you want to make sure you filter what you hear and what you watch.